Sales Team __________________________Click the photos below to see video. Jolene Goodman Advertising Managerjolene@iowalivingmagazines.com515-953-4822 Ext. 319 Andrea Hodapp Johnstonandrea@iowalivingmagazines.com515-953-4822 Ext. 322 Jim Jacobsen Clive, Indianola, Urbandalejim@iowalivingmagazines.com515-953-4822 Ext. 321 Dan Juffer Adel, Grimes, North Polkdan.juffer@dmcityview.com515-953-4822 Ext. 303 Kristine McDonald Wintersetkristine@iowalivingmagazines.com515-953-4822 Ext. 321 Martha Munro Jordan Creek, Norwalk, Waukeemartha@iowalivingmagazines.com515-953-4822 Ext. 314 Angela Ossian Ankeny, Altoona, Bondurantangela@iowalivingmagazines.com515-953-4822 Ext. 307
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